I turned off the engine and opened the window prepared to listen ... This one likes to practice English! "Fill up with diesel, yes?" As he pieced his words together like a puzzle, I began to understand the message ... "Each day is gift, you know? Everything good, bad, hard, easy, is put together as gift for us. We have choose to complain or to thank." As he walked away and left the diesel filling my tank, Father in His faithfulness, began to fill my soul. Had he seen my furrowed brow? Did he sense the weight on my shoulders? Did he merely want to take advantage of an English speaking gringa? Whatever the reason, HE got my attention.
Waiting for the pump to finish, I was lost in thought pondering Father's message when his greeting pulled me back to this world. "Senora, Corazon, esta bien?" I smiled and offered an apology for not realizing he was talking to me again. Once again, his casual conversation redirected my focus, this time in Spanish. "Sometimes it's good to look at nothing while thinking about nothing!" Quite the contrary amigo, I was just experiencing the sweet presence of Jesus, looking at everything while thinking about everything and choosing to thank instead of complain!
My routine at the Bomba oddly feels like sacred ground. In the routine of this place Father fills my soul with words of encouragement, challenge and insight unbeknownst by bearer of said words. It's almost like church at the Bomba!
Since this encounter, I've been pondering routine places ... You know, those times where we seem to be looking at nothing and staring at nothing? What routine in your day might God use as sacred ground to fill your tank? ... Perhaps the counter at the coffee pot? Behind your steering wheel on the way to work? Folding wash by the dryer? In the self-checkout line at Walmart? The routine of each day is gift, how will you use it?
Filling my tank ... Inspiring, mindless routine ... Looking at everything.
Life on the Mountain
What happened to January? We celebrated the new year with our students then attempted to send them on outreach. Two teams successfully arrived, two teams were delayed a week due to vehicle/border/paperwork issues; Attempting to settle into home school routine in the midst of activity; English camp at church; Mimi and Pop-pop came to visit; The gift of time with friends who fill our tank; Giggles and snuggles from sweet Eva; Heartfelt one on ones (present and virtual) with my dear 'daughters' and the joy of hearing their heart; Celebrating new life and the gift of supporting friends through the beauty of birth; Taking time to sit on the rockers and listen to the dreams of these precious women I mentor; cheering our beloved EAGLES on to NFC victory; Sun filled days at the beach, peaceful sunsets and a cool 6+ hour drive home after dark; New games with old friends; Laughter at outlet bargains; And, choosing to fill our tank with gratitude in the routine places of our day.
Our boys seeing/hearing God
Visits with family and friends
Home school and routine
Financial/Prayer partners filling our tank
Friends to walk through life with
Heath - multiple areas of sickness
Home school focus
Teams on outreach
Communication for Daryl and I
Choose gratitude
Joseph's (and buddies) service week cleaning up in North Carolina |
Who is this stately looking chap and where did you hide Adam? |
The silliness of English Camp
Cooling off from soccer Saturday with Cosechas smoothies!
Finding treasures from Father
Jedidiah is still taller ... even with assistance from roller blades!
"This is how you do it Mimi!"Cooling off from soccer Saturday with Cosechas smoothies!
Finding treasures from Father
Jedidiah is still taller ... even with assistance from roller blades!
Studs at sunset ...
So many amazing creatures!
And ... some 'not so amazing' creatures!
Now that's a $3.50 bargain if you ask me!
What are you going to do with that? ...
I'll wear it instead of wrapping in a blanket to do school!
They banter is music to my ears ... Amigos desde pequeño y para siempre! |
But as for me it is good to be near God, I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge; I will tell of all you have done! Psalm 73:28 |