Lessons from Daniel
Three different times, 3 different locations, the last 3 days, God has taken me to the book of Daniel! Speak Lord, I am listening …
Daniel chose obedience to the voice of God. “God, help me see myself as You see me, quiet my heart to hear your voice.”
Daniel, in a foreign land, surrounded by foreign gods, maintained his integrity. How? He prayed to God, gave thanks and asked for help.
Daniel trusted, committed and waited on God.
“Father, at this moment I turn to You for strength in my weakness, energy for my weariness, and faith in my doubt.”
100% funded … approx. 230 partners! Thanking God for each of you!
We will be living with a host family the first 2 months
Dear friends willing to travel with us and help us settle in
Employers releasing us with blessing
God moments with friends at work
God’s perfect timing
William and Laura, our host family, as we take the energy of our 4 mighty men into their household!
Freedom to shed tears as we say “See Ya Later”
Health and tense shoulders
Packing, moving and cleaning completed by November 30th
Fly to Costa Rica, December 1st
Saturday November 19, 2016
10:00 a.m. – noon
Carpenter Community Church
378 Glenbrook Road
Talmage PA, 17580
We are thankful that God has directed you in His timing and we'll continue to pray that He will guide you each step of the way. We will miss you!