Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim YOU, who walk in the light of your presence O Lord! Psalm 89:15
Mama's arms grow tired, HIS arms are everlasting! |
Ummm yeah, I want to be one of these ... Hand reaching as high as it can go, bouncing up and down, "Oh me, me, me. I want to learn to acclaim YOU and walk in the light of Your presence!" This has been my challenge, to walk so confidently in my Father's presence that when the stress, strain and struggle surround me, I can pause, acclaim who You are in my life, peacefully refocus and ..."Be still and know!"
Recently I witnessed 2 events that caused me to ponder the validity of their actions. This particular day was sunny, beautiful and blessed with a balmy breeze. I didn't care about or ponder the absurdity of the action I witnessed however in the days that followed this crazy picture kept coming back to me. A man was washing his big Rig. He stood facing this soap covered, giant armed with nothing but a small cup of water. He was throwing one cup of water after another to eliminate the sudsy lather! To this day, I have no idea what scenario was taking place, but it caught my attention. A few days later we passed a garbage truck with workers hurling bags of trash into the mouth of the smelly beast. They were throwing them with such force and at a significant distance. As I drove by I felt like I should duck just in case one missed it's mark and nailed our van. In the midst of these two events came a beautiful song that reminded me of being in the light of His presence ... "What a fellowship, what a joy divine, leaning on the everlasting arms ... What have I to dread, what have I to fear, leaning on the everlasting arms, I have blessed peace with my Lord so near, leaning on the everlasting arms!" ... His gentle voice reminding and asking ...
"Am I tossing my cares at His feet like this the man splashing his big Rig, feeling overwhelmed at the enormity of them? Or, am I heaving and hurling the weight of them with all my might like a putrid bag of garbage?"
Acclaiming Him as I learn to walk in the light of His presence gives me the privilege to throw, not just splash, my praise, petitions and pondering into His everlasting arms. Take a moment to pause ...
Throwing water ... Hurling trash ... Leaning on The Everlasting arms
Life on the Mountain
Excitement, fear and trembling, nervous bellies, inability to sleep, awestruck wonder at God's mighty strength and a whole lot of creaking and shaking going on ... these were all due in part to the 6.5 magnitude earthquake that shook us up last Sunday night! ... El Nido Cafecito with lots of littles to love ... Healing care for the students this week, God continues to work mightily in these students lives ... "God, what am I holding onto from the past that's preventing me from walking in freedom?" ... I had two full days at home this week with a huge 'to get done' list ... He knew I needed this! ... Planning for worship, schedule change, having a family night instead ... date night with Joseph ... Jedidiah's 10th birthday sleepover and fun day ... Micah and Joseph cleaning the house while I was gone ... Learning to acclaim Him and walk in the light of His presence as we: wait in line, drive the city streets and mountain curves, relate to our neighbors, spend time and pray with the students, do housework, enter receipts, encourage friends and, live life in Los Angeles de San Rafael de Heredia ... so that "All may know"
10th birthday surprise a success
Financial provision for Martha
Hang out time with M&J as J&A go to bed an hour earlier
Unity in leadership team
Martin and Delores being sensitive to our hearts
Finances for VidaNet *ask us how you can sponsor a Vida220 student!
Van is in the garage again ... God, you know our needs
Safe flight for Dad and Ginny
Daryl as he learns to balance ministry, family and me : ) the overwhelming, anxious thoughts are a battle
Miracle of reconciliation for Laura's marriage
Daniella's heart to open completely to Father's love
Parenting Jedidiah
December events for VidaNet
Onward and Upward, Mighty men! |
Blessing Mama's heart ... washing the supper dishes ... every night ... |
El Nido Cafecito ... Games for the Mamas ... |
Face paint, balloons and love for the kidos |
Sanding his woodworking project at Coop |
Reminding me of life in the states ... Costa Rican Beauty |
He refused to nap in his bed ... Sit quietly on the couch ... Slept for an hour! |
Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight ... School project ... He did it in Spanish! |
Let the surprise begin ... He didn't have a clue ... sleepover success! |
Practicing their aim with a slingshot! |
"I'm good right over here!" You're the birthday boy, you can hold it! |
Mama even held these! |
He's the quiet one, remember?! |
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