Peg and Fran |
I often ponder ... do people to take notice that I've been with my Father? I mean, I think they notice when I'm not communing with Him. It's quite humbling when one of my mighty men notices and points out that I'm lacking communion with Father ... they see the effect and smell the stinky stench of my foul humanness when I covet my weariness and refuse to not be anxious. In reality, all the above stated is replicated with Peg because it first began with Him. When I spend time with Him, my make up is usually smeared, my heart is lighter and I feel full of life! To share/give/lay down every experience with Father, and not try to carry it on my own fills me with peace which in turn reflects that I'm communing with Him. I can hardly comprehend the beauty of being so intimately connected with Him that I emit His fragrance without even knowing it. Oh to be the sweet, sweet fragrance of my Father! This song has been the cry from the depths of my soul ...
Whose fragrance are you emitting today?
Celebrating Adam asking Jesus to clean out his heart and make His home there. His tender heart had been processing this for awhile and we've talked often about it ... I finally coated the peanut butter and coconut cream eggs (after Easter) ... We had two intense executive leadership meetings. The gift in these meeting times is that we usually start out with "how are you doing?" God continues to bless our hearts with openness to share our joys and sorrows in these times ... El Nido Eye clinic. Unfortunately, the Eye Dr. was diagnosed with a tear in his retina from hitting his head earlier in the week. The three day eye clinic turned into one day of successful chaos! I can't even tell you the joy of fitting glasses for those who can't afford them. As I took their brief health history I felt like a nurse again! Thankfully, the team is planning to return to finish what they started ... A cookout to celebrate 6 April birthdays ... Playing with the kids in La Cuenca ... School projects and Sports Festival ... Worship team practice ... Three more weeks of language study for Daryl ... And more of normal life praying that we emit His fragrance to all we meet, and to each other!
-Adam giving his heart to Jesus
-My left foot is healed!
-Morning walks with my hubby
-Laughter and life in our boys
-Martha's hope in the midst of great need
-To emit Father's fragrance wherever we go (including when we stay home!)
-Safety for Delynn, Gloria and teams having training in Honduras
-Opportunities for Micah, he's grieving the loss 'normal' teenage years
-Me, as I continue to learn the vocabulary of the language of School
-Creativity for Jedidiah in his down time
-Adam, to be brave when he goes to school
-Daryl, language understanding and initiative to talk
-Joseph, to find life outside our home
-Finances for VidaNet
Papi and Don Papi grillin the birthday meat! |
Celebrating life in April ... the 6 cumpleaneros |
Uncle Bryan, they figured it out! |
Crazy balloon fun ... it's a balloon backpack |
Perfect size, perfect color, perfect vision! |
No, it's not a radar gun! ... Measuring something ocular. |
Taking histories in the "Waiting room" |
Nothing fancy ... Just a heart that loves the Lord and desires to serve! |
YES! Perfect size, shape and color! |
Morning exercises ... consignment store treasures, matching p.j. shorts ... one found in PA the other in CR! |
Friendly kitty snuck in and got stuck in our house over night! ... unpleasant morning treasures ... unsolved mysteries ... No, you can't keep him! |
Chillin with the kids in La Cuenca ... To much candy! |
Winning streak game night with Joseph ...
Making Mama happy! ...
I would have willingly lost every game
just to spend this time with him!
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