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Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Cave

Lasagna and Peanut Butter Cheesecake ...
They know the way to Mama's heart! 
Some days leave me longing to curl up in a cave before I even leave the downy abyss of sleep land! Of course this cave would have a comfy oversize chair set squarely upon a soft, earth tone colored, braided rug.  It wouldn't smell musty and dirty however, it would smell earthy with a hint of pine. I would be completely assured that this cave does not contain one trace of the 8 legged species that pursue my friendship. This cave's opening would of course face the sun "at all times" allowing just enough entrance of light's friendship to calm and sooth the refuge-seeking soul.  I envision feeling the deepest peace as I collapse in the arms of said over sized chair. Followed by a sleep so profound that could only be aroused by the touch of angel wings. I recognize it's His presence in this cave that makes it so charming.  As Elijah ran from Jezebel, he sought refuge and rest in a cave ... Ok, perhaps his cave was not as elaborately detailed as I'm envisioning mine to be. None the less, he found rest for his weary body in a cave, lead there by His presence.

I am weary. Lately, all I've wanted to do is sleep.  I've been intrigued by this "Over 40 hormone reset" idea that promises "seeing results in as little as one day".  As I read, I started pondering another consideration for my weariness, possibly I have an elevated estrogen level (OB nurse has an answer for everything right!). There's the age old tale that if I drank more water, less coffee and took more time to sit outside in the sun I would feel more refreshed. Maybe it's more exercise I need, perhaps if I started a daily exercise routine again, I would feel more energized. The thought of pursuing any of these 4 ideas (a.k.a. one more thing), makes me run for my life with Elijah to the vision I've dreamed up in my minds eye of my cave. At the mere thought of waking to another day of weariness, the refuge of my cave's delightful camaraderie summons me to linger in her security one minute more. I wonder if Elijah felt the same allure to his cave? I imagine his profound sleep, awoken only by an angels touch, was due to the captivating presence of Father as he slept on the cold, damp, musty smelling rock bed he collapsed upon. He was running for his life ... perhaps the mental weariness I feel could be equated to the physical exhaustion Elijah felt as he ran.  All running, weariness and caves aside ... It's in this cave that Father recommissioned Elijah. What I need to grasp today is this. As Elijah found rest, Father spoke. 

The allure of my cave ... HIS gentle whisper ... Rest

Life on the Mountain
This week was bathed in much prayer for healing, restoration of life and rest for a family from our church that was involved in a serious accident. We are absolutely certain, Angels hovered over each occupant of that van last Sunday evening! ... Celebrating Costa Rica Mothers Day with the gift of my boys making Lasagna and peanut butter cheese cake for me to feast upon ... Sharing weekend meals with the few staff that remain at Casa VidaNet this month ... Finding time to put our house in order after a busy season ... Seeking rest, listening to His voice and choosing obedience. 

Guardian Angels 
Housing option for our furlough this fall
Hearing Father's voice in parenting Jedidiah
Sharing life, tears and encouragement with neighbors we call friends

To be 100% funded for our second term ... message us for details!
Complete healing for Daryl's head cold and my back
That we would take time to rest in this 'quiet' month for the ministry
To lay the burden of details for our home leave at Father's feet and feel His leading
Communication and tender hearted devotion in our marriage

Will I get braces if my teeth are crooked? ...
Doesn't every 11 year old make tinfoil braces?
"I like my hair like this because I want to be like a dinosaur!"

Surprise Mother's Day visit from my "eldest" son!

Send forth Your light and truth, let them guide me; let them bring me to Your holy mountain, to the place where You dwell. 
Psalm 43:3
Finding rest for my soul ... 

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