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Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Secret Service Detail

Secret Service Detail ... 
Life feels similar yet vastly different.  I try to remember the rhythms of life before transition, before grief.  But that box has been closed and a new one opened.  I'm not sure what I expected from this transition back to life in CR.  Did I expect to be surrounded by the memories from the 'old box'?  I know there was joy, laughter, deep conversations, lots of learning, routine that gave freedom to just be with people, inspiration flowed easily, I could see the big picture, there was time to accomplish the details and there was peace knowing that God had us here for such a time as this.  Familiar faces were a part of everyday life, living in community.  New people would come but someone already knew them. Routine was present but expected to change.  Roles were established. There were full of life times and quiet times but they were never really quiet.  Our boys were young, we made most decisions for them, and bedtime was earlier.  

This side of grief ... if that is even possible.  There is a freshness to life that is bathed in thinking on things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy.  The familiar faces seem to have a fresh glow, perhaps due to Father's peace, perhaps due to my renewed perspective on life.  Now, new faces are a clean slate on which we get to decide how to write the story.  Routine is being established once again, with the same expectation that it will change.  The full of life times now have more hands on deck, we don't carry the load alone.  The quiet times feel less quiet while surrounded by beautiful friends.  Our boys have the appearance of young men, make hard decisions for themselves with our advice and stay up later.  I know the characteristics that encompassed life before are still there waiting to be welcomed into new relationships, new experiences, new visions, and in time, they too will cause life to feel the normalcy that always was.  

Today we celebrate the 5 year anniversary of our move to CR and today we celebrate The One Constant that has remained the same "before, during and after" transition/grief.  He has gone before us, walks with us and hems us in as our rear guard.  Can you picture it? ... "Arm around me as I'm ushered forward, the other arm outstretched in front of me, the rear guard walking backward behind me to observe all the activity following me" ... He has been our own personal Secret Service detail!  The only difference, His eyes aren't masked by mirrored sunglasses!  

He gently reminds me ... "No matter the new, familiar, what ifs or even those ... spending time in my Hiding Place is of utmost importance for my thriving."  The tools I've been given, the encouraging words to spur me on, the hugs, the prayers and affirmation ... while these are good and intended to bring good, they are human theology and will fail me this side of eternity.  As His arm shields and guides me through the masses, His voice resonates deeply in my spirit ... "Eyes on Me, not on the masses, your thriving is in My Presence, you are designed to affect your circumstances instead of your circumstances affecting you."

My Constant ... Secret Service Detail ... Think on these things.  

Life on the Mountain
We've hugged Micah, shared an amazing Thanksgiving feast, driven our van legally on Sunday, cleaned and reorganized the house, set up the office, slept soundly most nights, awoken at 5:30 am most mornings as light dances through our room, taken time to reconnect with dear ones, reacclimated our tongue to speaking and our ear to hearing Spanish, we're 3 days into establishing a home school rhythm, morning walks and evening RINGS chats are happening, there is fresh life, spring growth, and forward movement as we step back into life that is similar yet vastly different.

Safe flight, no customs/immigration issues
Leadership team and staff who love Jesus
Sweetness in our times with Jesus
Open hearts, transparency
Friends waiting to share life with our boys
Seeing Micah

Eyes on Him
Establishing new routines
Knowing our place in life with Micah and ministry
Open hearts, transparency
Our Roles, what is God's desire for us

Father - son bonding ...
Two days after arriving in CR, Jedi was polishing the clubs!

Flight delayed, free meal vouchers ...
Of course we chose Chic-Fil-A for our last meal! 
First of many cafecitos ... 
He transitioned from English to Spanish and never skipped a beat!
Thankful ... Living life to the full.
Reconnecting our hearts ... God is so good! 
Micah's team ... 

Jeremiah 31:3
I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving kindness. I will build you up again and you will be rebuilt.
Again you will take up your tambourines and go out to dance with the joyful!