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Monday, March 3, 2025

Letting His Light Shine

Fly Eagles Fly! ... creepy guy in the background!
When she first arrived at Vidanet almost 3 years ago, she could barely speak her title in public.  When she did speak to those who knew her personally, her words had minimal filter and the spice of a Latina mama who is never wrong. Her opinion, spoken adamantly, was as strong as her character.  She knew what one should do, when they should do it and how they should accomplished it.  She spoke from the world's wisdom without listening to the heart of the speaker, she was always right.  Yet, when put in the spotlight, she silently hid behind a shy, beautiful smile that masked the years of hard life and loss in her soul. In time, and with trusted company, her story would be shared.  It was obvious she came with a heart to serve, with a calling to be a pillar in The Kingdom.  And so she began to serve out of her emptiness, not knowing the value and worth she held in the eyes of her Maker. She was unaware that HE was fond of HER. 

Stepping into this new routine, she hesitantly accepted her turn to share for morning staff devotions. The night before said task, was preceded by sleeplessness, cloaked in the darkness of anxiety.  The words spoken from her heart could barely be distinguished through the trembling of her voice ... Nevertheless, she did it!  And so the practice of letting His light shine was started. 

As testimony of Father's faithfulness, I wish you all could know the beauty of the transformed life of this dear One! The journey has been filled with steep climbs, deep, dark valleys and uncertainty.  However, even in darkness, light dawns for the upright as she is learning the voice of her Shepherd, learning to listen, learning to release her thoughts and burdens into Father's capable hands and learning her worth in His Kingdom.  And this ... this is the beauty of the journey ... Through her simple act of obedience to "serve at Vidanet", Father is gently molding her character into His image, establishing the work of her hands as a sustainable income, and restoring relationships in her family ... specifically with her 4 living children.  As she listens and prays, His light is literally shining into the hearts of her children and grandchildren, drawing them to Him!  

What she saw as an opportunity to 'do something for Him', He saw as an opportunity to restore her soul, and change the world around her by shining His light as the one who always had an answer practices the art of listening!  

Where does His light need to shine brighter than your words? 

Slow to speak ... Quick to listen ... Slow to become angry

Life on the Mountain
We have frolicked through February establishing a new routine!  Homeschool is successfully underway, we're having fun learning and we've entered the world of co-op again; We hosted a work team that feels more and more like family coming home to Casa VN ... SO grateful for the work of their hands as they serve as unto HIM; Celebrated our beloved EAGLES victory in a Dutch Valley snack laden Super Bowl party; Date night to celebrate "glad I met you day"; quiet weekend routines are a welcome reprieve from weekly homeschool routines; created a spreadsheet to organize our thoughts for Jedidiah's big move to PA in May; practiced the art of praying while listening as we processed life with our dear team leaders, staff and Mighty men ... It is a precious gift from Father when they are willing to let us hear the desperation in the depths of their hearts; February finally warmed up enough for me to put my hair up and open all the windows all day long; Renewed our drivers license for 6 years ... it was the quickest and easiest appointment process we've ever had in CR;  And, spending time listening to lead them to Jesus ... letting His light shine! 

Healthy and fun homeschool routine
Soul care from a work team
Safety in Micah's many travels
Plans progressing for Jedidiah's move to PA
Eagles for the win!
There is a song in Jedidiah's heart
The gift of a table ... but that's another blog story!

A car for Jedidiah to purchase in PA
Wisdom for team dynamics on outreach - lead us Holy Spirit!
Rest for our leaders and students as they return to CR for 10 days
Healing for random sickness in students
Jedidiah's move to the States - (this one is definitely his mama's son with lots of emotions to process)
To let His light shine brighter than our words.

Oh my heart ... He wrote a song and they sang it at youth group!
"... From a broken past to a future bright, I'm walking with you out of the night ..." 
This one made Cheeseburger soup and bread bowls for the boys! 

Micah's sabbath rest ... long cycle rides, typically without this one on back!
This is also the favored mode of transport for guys night out!
Nuestro pequeno Tico machito! (Our little blond Costa Rican)
He is such a Tico, loves his tortilla con natilla y cafe for breakfast ... or anytime of day! 

The beauty of God's handiwork from Micah's bedroom window ... 
reminiscent of PA sunsets from the front porch!
Where am I going to put the pizza and wings? ... 
PA snacks makes the party a bit sweeter! 
Big screen entertainment ... 
2nd Eagles Super Bowl win since we moved to CR!
The elder didn't have a shirt for the occasion so ...
 the younger loaned one to him! 
I've saved and passed down many items through 4 boys ...
but I never thought these two would share clothing! : ) 

The perfect ending to a day of hard work ...
Thankful for the gift this crew was to our souls!
A comical representation to the LONG LIST of work projects this team tackled ...
But this one is close to my heart! 
This uninvited guest was quickly evicted ... 
Uggg, I hate to say it, but he was beautiful! 
“Red and yellow can kill a fellow; Red and black, friend of Jack” 
Homeschool shenanigans ... "Are you ok?!" ... 
Learning the life saving basics!
New co-op friends
Happy "glad I met you" day ... #24!
This takes my heart back 15 years! 
Four little boys and our favorite Franklin books ...
just a few more grey hairs and wrinkles! 
"Veo El Rey de gloria ... 
Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna en las alturas!"


  1. Thanks for the update, Jen! More real having served there! Blessings and Prayers, Hal & Pat

  2. My hearts is so blessed when I read your blogs! I can visualize your smiling faces, imagine sitting in a rocking chair on the deck (?) and feel your love!
