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Sunday, February 16, 2020

A Spacious Place

There is really no other way to title this blog.  These words alone should bring vivid pictures to ones
To God be the glory, great things He has done! 
mind of just that ... A Spacious Place.  For me, it brings a feeling of freedom.  I feel alive, full of life, giddy and carefree as I cast my face to the sun and a balmy breeze tousles my hair. It's a 'nestled under the Heavens' sort of feeling.  For others, this wide open imaginative picture may bring a feeling of fear, unease, a 'lost in space' feeling.  I'm curious, where is your spacious place? 

On Thursday, Father spoke this life giving word to my spirit from Psalm 18:19 ... "He brought me out into a spacious place and rescued me because He delighted in me."  As I read this verse over and over and meditated on it, He began placing names on my heart of people who needed to know the freedom of a spacious place.  For some it was merely a note of encouragement, for others it was a time of intercession that left my soul crying for the freedom their souls are longing for. 

That afternoon El Nido Mobile went to minister to the women of La Cuenca.  And, He did it again!  As we walked into the community room I was overcome with emotion (me? imagine that!).  The picture in my mind came alive ... He was bringing these women out into this spacious place because He desires to rescue them from their own self doubt and for them to know He delights in them!  This, El Nido Mobile, is a place for them to find life once again.  As one of the team members shared her testimony, this verse tied right in and I'm believing seeds were planted!  As we develop relationships with this new group of women, I am oh so excited to see what Father does! 

El Nido, women's health, pregnant bellies, the miracle of birth, helping women learn to believe that they are delighted in ... these are my spacious places!  Quite honestly, as I go through the mundane of wifeing and mothering, I often loose sight, loose focus, on the life giving, freedom of my spacious places.  However, as He graciously brings me out into these, (a.k.a. shows me to whom and where He wants me to minister), I feel delighted in by The Maker of my spacious places!  

If you do not know the freedom of your spacious place, stop what you're doing, change what you're doing and thank Him for what He's doing.  He has one waiting for you! 

Seeds planted ... He's captivated my soul once again ... He delights in YOU!

Life on the Mountain
Reconnecting with our leadership team, sharing the load, laughing and spurring one another on ... First week of school success, feeling confident in the routine ... Sharing dreams and hopes for El Nido Mobile ... Sharing tears of joy as Mamas see their unborn babes for the first time via a donated ultrasound machine for El Nido ... Micah getting first hand experience on vehicle maintenance ... feeling thankful for a hubby that helps me rearrange and make our house a home ... Action packed movie night to celebrate the end of a full week with our boys ... Celebrating Valentines day, what love the Father has lavished upon us! ... Feeling His delight. 

Seven healthy heart beats seen via Ultrasound
(video of El Nido Ultrasounds)
A ministry that values community time
No tears to start school
Friendships rekindled
Work teams who bless Casa VidaNet with energy and hard work
Knowing His delight

Friendship to grow between Joseph and Jedidiah
Our neighbors marriage ... so sad to see them struggling again, they need a miracle, they need Jesus!
To be devoted to one another in brotherly love
Healing for Micah's cold
Future plans for Micah
For our residency process, thankful for our landlord Fernando's help! 
Boldness to walk in our spacious place

Sixth grade class ...
Praying for connections to feed his soul! 

First grade buddies ...
Adam and Fer, "can we please have a play date?" ...
not on the first day of school! 

Gym uniforms, ready for action! 

Father blessed us with this beautiful, light-infused community room in the middle of its dark tin shack surroundings ...
He brought them out into a spacious place!

Sweet baby snuggles ...

This is Us ... never a dull moment! ...
Happy Valentines day to my dream come true!

"He rescues us because He delights in us"

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Graced with Grace

One last taste of The States ...
of course it was the
closest restaurant to our gate of departure! 
Transition is exhausting.  Yet again, the emotion of saying good bye, returning to the familiar that still feels different, unpacking the suitcases and treasures, setting up house again, going through the box of  "grow into" clothing because all 4 mighty men seemed to have grown up and/or out during our stay in the States, several hours a day spent preparing stuff for the start of a new school year tomorrow and ... trying to be the adult, patiently walking through the roller coaster of emotions all six of us are going through when I wanted to throw a two year old tantrum!  I teetered through the first two days, grasping tightly to His promises but by day three I was starting to crumble.  On the dawn of day four ... healing tears started flowing.

In Father's goodness, He encouraged me with these simple words from my dear sister ... "Praying that you all can be patient and extravagant grace givers to each other as you adjust and readjust to life in CR."  And just like that, I began to sleep better, my tense shoulders started to relax, mornings in my secret place seemed sweeter and more sacred ... "Grace my child, extended to each other and more importantly, to yourself!" ... Even though we've returned to normal and familiar, it's totally different than what we just lived through the last 3 months.  Her (His) words, were a sweet reminder that we're not walking through this transition and change alone.  We've been eternally blessed with a heavenly armament of prayer warriors, armor bearers, shield upholders and most importantly ... believing we are utterly adored by a King who has established our ways and extends to us His limitless grace. 

Today came the sweet peace of being thankful.  Thank you Father that You have called us, covered us and commissioned us to life in Costa Rica.  Psalm 103:8 The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.  Oh sweet Jesus, I have so much to learn from You!

Girded in grace ... Breath in, breath out ... I am living in the goodness of God

Life on the Mountain
Laughter and tears as we received a loud and boisterous welcome home from 30+ of our Casa VidaNet family hooting and hollering as we exited the airport ... Returning to our morning routine, walking, talking occasionally as we go and quiet times ... Buying, labeling and contact papering a mountain of school supplies, 20 books and 15 notebooks ... Mentally preparing Adam for the idea of all day school while he has limitless play with his little buddies ... Daryl has spent a few hours each day in the office and seems to be stepping back into routine ... Jedidiah's talent on the guitar is getting some good practice time ... The consensus at youth group is that Joseph grew 5 inches ... Micah digging into school and ministry tasks and making Mama laugh ... Catching up, sharing tears and laughter with our neighbors ... Reconnecting with home school co-op friends ... Sunshine, soccer Saturday and sunny afternoons for line drying wash ... Hugs and feeling like we never left in Comunidad Nuevo Pacto church ... Settling in, diving in, walking in and resting in Father's limitless grace.

Easiest travel experience we've ever had through immigration
Fully funded for 3 years of our 4 year term, THANK YOU!!
Friendships picked up where they left off
Jedidiah's love for guitar and his God given talent
A one stop shopping experience for all the school supplies
My shopping sister, Liz
Daryl's sinus' and my back are doing great

School starts tomorrow, pray for peace, friends and for bravery
Fully diving into ministry this week
Friendship to grow between Joseph and Jedidiah
Our neighbors marriage ... so sad to see them struggling again, they need a miracle, they need Jesus!
Leadership meeting all day tomorrow, pray for unity, patience and wisdom

It all fit in our trusty Olaf! ...
Feeling the need to settle in for awhile.

School supplies ...
Every single crayon, marker, pencil etc labeled with their name! ...
SO thankful for El Rey where I could buy everything!

Books and notebooks labeled and covered with contact paper!

Dylan visited from Nicaragua for 2 months ...
So thankful they got to spend a day together! 

Happy 10th spiritual birthday Joseph! ...
Of course it was brownies and ice cream!

Jedidiah's hand-me-down green shoes ...
Adam was just as proud to wear them! 
Sweet snuggles from Declan on a sunny Saturday afternoon ... 

Declan, just another boy in our boy band ...
He fits right in with these Mighty men! 

Jedidiah's newest treasure ... bought from the one who patiently encouraged his talent!
Music to Mama's ears!

While in PA, Father painted this picture in my mind ...
Upon returning to CR, He gave me a fresh new hiding place ...
It's the sweetest place on earth ...

Psalm 103:8 The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.