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Monday, May 8, 2023

The Catchphrase of Living with Purpose

That's my question! 
Purpose: Knowing the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. In the grand scheme of things knowing ones purpose, enables one to look outward.  Not knowing ones purpose, causes an inward destructive thinking, the downward spiral we all fall imprisoned to.  Catchphrase: A small group of words that are combined in a special way, and is often repeated so that it becomes connected with the identity of a particular person or item.  Understanding my catchphrase helps me to live with purpose! 

If you've spent anytime in the last 3 weeks listening to my ramblings, you've heard me ask, "What do you think your purpose is/was?" Said question has become a space filler for me.  Moments when frustrations want to erupt volcanically, misunderstandings in relationships, restless minds that won't rest at 2:30 a.m., shoulders so tense you could build a house on their foundation, pain and sickness, flights canceled, roads detoured, schedules altered ... I ask, "what do you think is/was your purpose in those moments?" 

Having a catchphrase that exemplifies the reason for my existence, should enable me to see my purpose when I find myself involved in the aforementioned situations - the menial tasks of life. For example, if my specific purpose is to live out the hope of Jesus by speaking His truth, no matter what situation is happening around me, this catchphrase should draw my focus (and others) to Jesus. Simple right?  Do I truly believe that He created me to live out the hope of Jesus by speaking His truth? If so, it should hold great place value in my interactions and reactions! 

Dear Ones, it's not just knowing ones purpose in the big picture (a.k.a. the titles we hold) ... Hospitality coordinator, Sender of disciples to the nations, Raiser of mighty men, Mentor and discipler of women ... it's also asking and knowing my purpose in the simplicity of the menial tasks.  How do I live out the hope of Jesus by speaking His truth while ... taking down the cobwebs, cleaning up the kitchen, caring for the sick, redirecting an obstinate child, refocusing the drifting gaze, encouraging the uncertain, patiently listening to the ridiculous excuse, sharing life at the meat counter, and _____________, fill in your blank.  Quite simply, it's keeping in check that the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart are pleasing to Him.  It's asking, believing and knowing my purpose (the grand and menial) so that my gaze is fixed on my Solid Foundation, not the situation.  

I may never understand the purpose of pain, heartache, devastating loss, sickness, insomnia. altered plans etc. However as my catchphrase directs my gaze to the Planner of the purpose, I can understand my purpose in each situation. It's the simplicity of living out Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord (know your purpose), lean not on your own understanding (don't try to figure it out), acknowledge Him (catchphrase), and He will sustain you. Grasping the practicing the simplicity of this will inevitably lead to purposeful living.

What's your purpose? ... Redirecting catchphrase ... Living with purpose 

Life on the Mountain
An abundance to celebrate, birthdays, babies, graduations, decisions made, God's hand of favor!  Proud parent moment listening to Joseph's Capstone speech. God's faithfulness in giving us wisdom.  Thankful for Dr. Carla's wisdom (and friendship) in treating Adam after a long week of sickness. Precious hours of communication time with our boys living in other countries.  Date with dad and porch time to hear the hearts of those under our roof.  Moments of rest as we plan and wait for the chaos to come!  Creating a catchphrase, believing our purpose and fleshing it out through the mundane tasks of life. 

Healing for Adam
Micah's team redirecting their gaze
Healthy friendships for boys
Future direction
The gift of growth from a year ago
Understanding Spanish in critical moments
Knowing our purpose

Joseph navigating through finals week
Micah direction for the future
Jedidiah future school options
Adam missing his brothers
Hoffert/Peterson families, Emily, Robyn, Eli, would you join us in prayer for these friends who are walking through unbearable changes in life?
To live with purpose through the grand and menial tasks

Date with Dad AND the return of wooden spoons ...
What is the purpose of cardboard spoons with ice cream?!
Teaching Alpha course ... it may have been 100 degrees!
Sticky buns to celebrate this one ...
sharing life and food with staff!
Shoo fly pie in CR? Yup, thanks to Grammie bringing Molasses to CR!
My turn for a 'small' trim! ...
50 needed a fresh look!
Celebrating "Dia del Libro" - book day ...
A Greek god wearing avocado socks and a Pirate!
Wishing we could be present but oh so proud of this Mighty man
as he gave his Capstone speech with poise and clarity!
Could this be any more perfect? ... : ) 
Soccer Saturday action ...
I can still picture his mop of blond hair running around the field at 4 years old!
After a week of nausea/vomiting and a double ear infection ...
This brave one got an IV and 'butt shots' from mom!
Philemon 1:7
Your love has given me great joy and encouragement,
because you, have refreshed the hearts of the Lord's people.

Live with purpose as you refresh the hearts of those the Lord
places in front of you!