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Thursday, August 8, 2024

A Sweet Sound to His Ears

Savoring the sound of this ones words ... 
I've hidden in the bathroom (door locked, shower running), ducked around the corner behind the door holding my breath, gingerly tiptoed up the carpeted stairs, and even slipped out the side door to the back deck in the middle of winter. But to no avail, the tribe of mini detectives I seemed to be raising knew exactly where to find me in middle of my "needing a mom moment".  Maybe you know the feeling, to many demands on your time and attention and you hear one more ... "Mooooooom!" Your shoulders tense up, you flinch at the sound of the voice calling, with an eye roll you let out a frustrated huff, and respond with less patience than the caller deserves, "WHAT?" I wish I could say I always had time for my precious, angelic children and answered with loving affirmation each time they called my name, but that is not humanly possible! Thankfully, as these mini detectives grew into Mighty Men, they learned that the "wait a minute mom finger coupled with pursed lips and the eyebrow raised glance" meant, Mom's in the middle of something, and needs a minute to pull it together before responding. Take a deep breath. 

In the midst of Vida missions chaotic activity, Father beckoned my spirit with the simplicity of this statement ... I love when you call My name, it is actually a sweet sound to My ears. "What?" I said out loud in my needing a mom moment mentality, "That's absurd!" But as I contemplated the depth of that simple statement, I imagined it like this.  When I call His name, it brings the same sentiment as new parents encouraging their wee one to babble ...  "Come on you can do it, ma-ma-ma-ma." Or when Declan and Kai get my attention with "Hey Mama Jen ..." Those moments when Adam, with a twinkle in his eye, calls me Jenny to get my attention. Or when my own MM say "Mother" sort of in eye-rolling exasperation because I did or said something ridiculous that brought them peels of laughter.  And, the melt-my-heart question, "Mama, can you tuck me in and tickle my face?" 

No matter if we utter His name in childlike trust or cry out in desperation, our voice warms His heart.  And unlike my motherly humanness, He doesn't hide away so we can't find him. When we call, His attention is ours and it brings Him so much joy to answer.  In a world that finds normalcy in abusing His name, when His children call His name, I believe it is a soothing sound to His ears! And not only is it pleasant to His ears, whispering His name restores our awareness of His Presence ... as simply as a child needing to know Mom's presence even when she's having a mom moment! 

The sound of our voice ... Sweet to His ears ... Summoning His Presence

Life on the Mountain
Vida Missions teams have all successfully returned home; we've prayed our students through one more mission experience that pushed them to trust completely in God as Provider; enjoyed 24+ hours relaxing in sand and surf; And just like that, our beautiful Vida220 students from 23/24 have graduated! We said our 'see ya laters and good byes' through tears and rejoicing, they are equipped and ready for what's next! Taking time to sleep and rest, we are finally on the mend from a nasty respiratory virus that has plagued our family (thankfully minus the nurse) for the last 3 weeks; And ... taking time to restore our awareness of His Presence as we speak His name. 

Restored health
Joseph has a job and it's fun!
Time to breath
A school plan for Jedidiah
Our voice is soothing to His ears

Adam missing friends and having anxious thoughts
Rest and refreshment for Micah
To rest well in the presence of Jesus
Wisdom as we mentor our staff
Family connections during a quiet month
To speak His name with boldness

Translating for a team at our church ...
His Spanish has far surpassed my chronologically advanced brain! 
It's official, he graduated and has entered the world of adulting! 
Time for a new look ...  
His neck hasn't felt a breeze for a few years!


Protective gear for the epic pillow fight of the century!
Here's the faithful crew ... sun up to sun down, 
the hands of Jesus serving the masses!
This is one way to feed the '5000' ...
Debriefing after the last VM ... 
can you feel the love?
On the look out for a person of peace and 
seeking God as their complete Provider. 
Ice cream ... the perfect way to celebrate ... 
Sadly, you can't see the rest of the 40 that filled this little corner store!
Here they are ... 15 beautiful souls graduated and ready to change the world! 
So thankful for life shared with this beautiful daughter! 
Thankful it's a 'see ya later' (and not goodbye) as she heads off to college.
He's such a neighborly dog ... he visits us multiple times a day!
This one is always welcome to clean up under our table!
Meet Marty, the newest member at my table.  

And ... Some of my favorite pic's from the summer!

Our worlds intermingled as a Vida Missions team served at our home church!

The sweetest Presence ...
"I just wanna speak the name of Jesus
over every heart and every mind
'cause I know there is peace within Your Presence, 
I speak Jesus!"