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Monday, September 2, 2024

Sent as Senders

Advancing The Kingdom one player at a time!
I am One who is Sent, thanks to many of you. In my youthful years my appetite was wet to be a Sent One. I asked Father often; when, where, how, and with whom?  As being sent in my pre-wedded bliss years morphed into The Hoover family of six being sent long term, these questions have lingered often in my mind. In July, participating in parts of the Kairos course I hesitantly (a.k.a. can we handle another major life transition) asked Father, is there more? More that I can be part of in the 'normal' life we are living as Ones who are sent? I sensed His tender prompting that 'the more' is simply that I am sent to be a sender.  Intrigued by the concept and wanting to foster this prompting, I casually perused our library and came upon this treasure: "Serving As Senders" by Neal Pirolo. And, 'the more' took root in my soul. Advancing The Kingdom is a team effort. We need Senders (behind the scenes) and Sent Ones (goers) and there needs to be a balance in our thinking to see the value in both. Each one has a critical part in advancing The Kingdom where they are planted and we can't have one without the other. 

Let me indulge you with an analogy that has filled our living room and occupied our evenings for what feels like forever ... So much so, that it may actually be making a fan out of yours truly! "Here we go boys, play ball!" ...

The Kingdom as it relates to the sport of Baseball!  Lets start with home plate, I’ve said often that everyone needs a home base, a place to start from and return to. Thus I present to you, Casa Vidanet as our home base.  At Vidanet, we have an owner, that would be God, not Wendell nor was it Delynn. We need a pitching coach, hitting coach, first base coach, third base coach, a bench coach, a general manager and a manager, a starting pitcher, relief pitcher and closer, base runners, batters, designated hitters, a catcher, a pitcher and all the rest of the field positions, we need a water boy, a bat boy and a ball boy!  And of course we need fans, the unique camaraderie, cheers and chants, face painting and jersey wearing loyalty and their eager willingness to be part of the team.  These faithful fans bring us undying hope, we need fans! And we can’t forget the grounds crew. There wouldn’t be a playing field or neatly prepared home plate without the grounds crew.  I'm sure I’ve missed a few but you get the idea.  

We at Vidanet are certainly not a perfect team. Sometimes we strike out, miss a catch and make an error.  But we all know the celebration that comes when all the practice pays off and we get on base, hit a homerun or feel like we’ve won the World Series. The best part about maintaining home plate (being a sender) is that we get to see the start and the homecoming!  There’s always an anxious nervousness as one steps into the batter's box, gearing up for a hit.  That bat swinging, leg twitching, hand out - digging a toe hold, nervous energy that comes as one is ready to hit and run. Running home typically has two options: A casual sauntering across home plate knowing you’ve scored a run.  Or the heart pounding intensity as one sees the third base coach signaling you to keep going, running full speed, sliding into home base with a face full of dirt, praying you make it home safe. 
At Vidanet, everyone (the senders and the sent) needs to be a team player because everyone has a position to play.  The team rulebook speaks of living in community, building intentional relationships and having a dying to self-mentality which is naturally a bit challenging. In summary, one needs to find out what pleases our Owner and make a choice to obey him. On this team, there is equipping, training, coaching, accountability, character building and behavior modifying routines. The athletically strong learn to humble themselves to be a team player and those who don’t believe in their own ability learn their value and importance as a chosen team player. Oh the joy of being a sender for Team Vidanet! 

A month ago, we sent our players (graduating students) into the field (home, missions, work, school etc.).  We couldn’t be more proud of them. They’ve worked hard, trained diligently and anxiously await the adventures of said playing field. Together we 've learned the value of waiting on and asking Jesus what we should do.  We've connected them with Jesus, His local church and broadened their world view enabling them to dream about their next steps.  These are the amazing perks of being a sender! 

We, the Hoovers, are sent to be Senders. What an amazing position to play on The Kingdom's team! My deep, heartfelt desire is that you all would know the depths of gratitude we have for each of you as Senders who have unashamedly cheered us on as Sent Ones who send!  We appreciate your moral support.  We affirm you as teachers of The Word and worshipers who raise up more to send.  We are grateful for your logistical details and the way you create a Godly society around your daily lives at our home field. We know your work as Senders at times feels monotonous and routine, but to God be the glory, He has called you such and His Kingdom is advancing because of each of you!

What position is He asking you to play on The Kingdom team? 

A team effort ... Advancing The Kingdom ... Sent to send! 

Life on the Mountain
Today we are celebrating our family's birthday! We thank God for the gift of celebrating the story of US which began on that joyful Sunday afternoon in the park, 23 years ago today!  But first ... August. It has been a beautiful month to quiet down Casa Vidanet as we allowed ourselves the time to engage in things that refresh our soul and bring us life! It's been a month to regroup, refresh, and recover, as we've only hosted 3 weekend groups. We've read books, rested in the hammock, celebrated CR Mothers day, painted some walls, honed our skills with the gift of a new math program, binged on Star Wars (guilty pleasures of a Boy mom!), 1/2 of us traveled a bit to visit Joseph which titled Adam as the Man of the House for a few days, one of us officially became a licensed driver, we've utilized video chats to encourage those in the playing field, connected with neighbors, frequented the outlets looking for cheap treasures, cleaned and polished vehicles, puzzled, feasted on firepit fondue, slept more, gazed at sunsets, and reflected on the gift of you, the Senders who have sent us to be Senders! 
As September begins, we shift our focus and turn our hearts toward the start of a new year at Casa Vidanet.  Rest has been good as we await with anticipation, a new team of players to train, raise up and send out into the playing field! To God be the glory!

Senders who have sent us.
Patience of the paint store staff.
HS prompting as we sit quietly in His presence.
Health and healing.
23 years of wedded bliss.
New life, birthing grandbabies of Vidanet.
The gift of being sent.

Choosing God while living in the world - rendirme.
Focus for Jedidiah in school.
God's guidance for the start of a new year at VN.
A miracle of financial provision and medical wisdom for Dorita, our cook.
Bonding for our staff.
The gift of hearing and seeing God for our new students. 
Complete physical healing from respiratory colds.
Holy Spirit wisdom as we coach the new team. 

The beginnings of an amazing team of Sent Ones ... 
Happy 23rd family birthday! 

Celebrating CR Mothers Day with my 3/4 of my MM
Firepit Fondue ... Jedidiah's latest family night creation!
The smoky smell and "would you rather laughter" 
lingers in our household for days!
These 3 mini Mighty Men have captured my heart ... Adam is a big brother!

Date with Dad ...
"You're the man of the house while I'm gone, take care of mom!"

On the verge of tears ... "This green is NOT the right shade of green!"
(I wanted olive green not celery green to cover up the terracotta ...)

Returning to the paint store, I discovered his name was Jesus ...
And appropriately so as he literally preformed a miracle by
changing the color of paint in my can!

Repairing couches Costa Rica style ...
They completely disassembled the couch, replaced the supports and reassembled it ...
right on the garage floor! 
Token picture of Joseph working for mom's benefit! 
(PC - Micah)
Summertime visits in PA are synonymous with ...
Freeze n Frizz soft serve
Motorcycle excursions
Spruce Lake Hoover family week
Phillies game
Golf with dad 

Look out world ... This Tender Heart is legal on the open road! 
3/4's of our MM can legally drive Mom to town! 
August Sabbath Rest ... Refreshing our soul, be still and know ... 
"You are sent to be Senders"