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Sunday, March 28, 2021

Washing Machine Whirl

Listening to His melody ... 
In that one, amazing moment of complete silence, I became keenly aware of all the noise around me. One doesn't have to be skilled in rocket science to know the truth of that statement.  The constant buzz, humm, whirl, chirp, chatter, breeze, drip, drop and dog are so ... well, constant.  So constant in fact that I don't even realize the barrier it builds to truly hearing.  This whirl (white noise) fills our lives every single moment and we are accustomed to living with it.  And, not until the electric goes out and I have that one, amazing moment do I truly realize, I'm not hearing.  

The same holds true to That relationship, The One that really matters.  The constant weight, burden, fear, uncertainty, anxiety (a.k.a. whirl) creates a barrier to truly hearing the heart beat of my being ... Father's sweet voice.  I know He desires to quiet me with His love, to rejoice over me with singing.  However, the struggle to truly hear His melody through the constant aforementioned physical or spiritual whirl, leaves me throwing my hands up in surrender ... sweet Jesus! 

My hiding place ... I usually walk hand in hand with Jesus, surrounded by wild flowers, the sun is just perfect and the breeze an even more saintly accompaniment.  Today, as my hiding place invites my blank stared presence, as I numbly try to listen, the whirl is present, the worship has started.  My minds eye pictures it differently today ... He is carrying me.  I cling to His neck, the tears flow both physically and spiritually, and the sweetest melody starts to pour over me ... His melody.  The anointed plucking of ... a banjo.  I know right, couldn't He use a more soothing instrument or melodic voice?  The truth of the matter is, my weary soul was longing for His sweet presence and as the tears flowed ruining my makeup ... His anointing love, through a banjo, flowed over me. 

The constant whirl makes it challenging to hear my next thought.  However, He promises, "Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest!"  He may have used the pause in our electric to get my attention.  However, He doesn't say get away from the whirl, He simply says, "Come".  And when my soul obeys in spite of the whirl ... there is an inexplicable stillness, a breathless silence, the whirl fades and He speaks.  "What whirl is silencing the sound of His sweet melody for you?"  

He carries me ... He sings over me ... He uses the whirl  

Life on the Mountain
These weeks feel surmised by late night meetings and early morning awakenings from our youngest mighty man; A beautiful mountain to hike and friends to hike it with;  The directors house was cleaned by a host of angels from Oregon and CR;  Enjoying ice cream and laughter with these angels;  A successful week of exams for J & A;  Grading 4 months worth of 10th grade;  Afternoon rains, clear nights, stargazing;  Listening to a sisters heart and sharing mine;  Joseph working diligently to finish his year before Micah returns;  Birthday pool party, Haircuts and meatball subs were huge highlights of our week;  And ... trying to listen in spite of the whirl. 

Angels who clean, organize and reconfigure furniture 
Land borders open, this makes for easier travel
Dr Carla's care of Adam and free medicine
Camaraderie in our leadership team, sharing the load
Friends who listen again and again
He speaks to our heart and sings over our weary soul
Those coming 

Those traveling
Healing for our family, colds, ear infections, allergic reactions
Our physical, emotional and mental health ... ask Father for specifics : ) 
Wisdom and direction for Vida Missions Teams
Transition with our new directors
Father's call to Vida220
"Let me see redemption win, Let me know the struggle ends ..."
To hear His melody in the midst of the whirl. 

Slow and steady ... buckle up boys! 

He couldn't wait for spring like weather! 

Angels from Oregon

PVM floats to celebrate a days work

Three historical icons ...
Jesse James, Albert Einstein, Christopher Columbus ... 
Make your Mamas proud boys! 

The 3rd cross ... a view worth hiking for! 

Feeling safe at home! 

"I'm running away" ... 
At least he remembered his deodorant and kitty!

Sunday morning smiles and eggs ... 

"You can feel secure even in the midst of cataclysmic changes,
through your awareness of MY continual presence."
(Sarah Young, Jesus Calling)

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