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Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Reflecting on My Portion

A portion. How much food you choose to eat at one time. A serving size if you will.  An appropriate amount of food from a health perspective.  A portion is also defined as an inheritance, a part of a whole, a persons destiny, lot or share received.

I've had this image joggling around in my mind since Sunday pondering what does it mean to say The Lord is my Portion. While pondering my physical lot in life, I have this image of sitting at the Banqueting Table, waiting patiently for the next course or dessert if you prefer.  Each course is the exact portion of a healthy serving size.  I feel so satisfied with each course but it leaves me longing for more because it tastes so good, fills me with joy and understanding and leaves me feeling completely relaxed, peaceful, and dreamy in His arms after feasting. A perfect portion. 

Pondering Lamentations 3:19-24.  Paraphrased ... I remember the trapped despair, dark valley, scorching fire.  And I may be tempted to gorge on/be consumed with anxiety, worry, what about this, what if that, ________ ... you fill in the blank.  However, in His perfect love for me, He knows the exact portion I need and can handle. Even if my portion is cold showers and excessive amounts of rice and beans.  Even if my portion is loss after loss after loss. Even if my portion is tropical weather and beautiful flowers during a rainy season where mold seems to be winning. Even if my portion is patiently loving a lonely child who seeks any form of attention. Even if my portion is watching family life from across the ocean. Even if my portion is living life with amazing students and mothering them through life while missing one of my own. Even if my portion is a sore foot that attempts to rob my mind of it's youthfulness. Even if my portion is ______ ... fill in the blank. I say to myself,  Father, the way You love me every morning is so pure, fresh and full of grace.  In your faithfulness, I know You are my perfect Portion, therefore I will wait expectantly without grumbling, whining, rebelling or complaining! ... How do I even begin to reflect this one to my tribe of Mighty Men!?

What portion have you received and how have you received it?
"Change the way I think, to change the way I feel to change the way I act."

Life on the Mountain
Didn't October just begin? Our portion for the month ... We've celebrated 2 birthdays with our own, led Sunday evening worship times as a family on base, enjoyed sweet visits and fellowship from 'old' staff and a blessed weekend with the Board, Saturday soccer games, A beautiful month of life with the students, A week of virtual school nationally due to a respiratory virus, Celebrated Dia de Culturas as a Ninja from Japan and a football player representing North America, Language week celebrated with an English spelling bee for which Jedidiah was a judge and Adam had a solo as his class sang "We are the World", Micah seems to be surviving on less sleep as he navigates his portion as friend, mentor and team leader to the students, Joseph survived through his portion of midterms and is loving the shop portion of his Engineering program at Thaddaeus Stevens and ... in our portion as Phillie fans, we've had a few late nights as we cheer the Phillies on in the World Series! With open hands, we wait expectantly with eyes fixed on our Perfect Portion.  

Students who desire Jesus first
A safe place for Daryl and I to process next steps
Jedidiah's heart is growing closer to Jesus
Youth group in CR and PA
Grandparent love and care in CR
Connections for Joseph
Opening a bank account
Beautiful times of worship and teaching

Lord show us Your perfect plan
Relationships that need a touch from the Holy Spirit
Physical strength and wisdom for Micah
Complete healing for Jen's left foot (it's so much better just not completely healed)
Getting to the root cause in Jedidiah and helping him walk in freedom
Forgiveness and healing as Daryl and I walk through our root causes
Physical healing for many on base, lots of respiratory stuff going around
Gratefully receiving our portion while waiting expectantly for our Perfect Portion

Here they are!  
10 students, 3 leadership team, 3 team leaders ...
5 different nations! 
Happy 18 Joseph and Happy 15 Jedidiah!
Two amazing Mighty Men whose personalities are as different as night and day! 

Life in PA (Joseph) and Life in CR (Micah) ...
Two amazing Mighty men with daily activities as different as night and day!

Enjoying a beautiful sunny day at the park ...
School was canceled due to a Hurricane!

A week of virtual school went off without a hitch ...
We've walked this road before!
A week was nothing compared to a whole school year.

Three amigos ready to cheer CR on in the World Cup! 
She looks like one of ours ...
we'll gladly claim her as a daughter! 
Culture Day ...
When you don't have traditional Amish clothing to represent a culture,
why not use American football to represent North American culture : )
No, we didn't get a dog ...
But we're thankful for friends who share theirs for walks!
Reflecting on 'fall colors' in my Hiding Place ... 
The sun sets perfectly this time of year!
Whether your portion is the simplicity of traditional Costa Rican cuisine
or a really challenging set of circumstances ... 

Know that His mercies are new every morning as you wait expectantly.
He is the Perfect Portion.  


  1. Spoke to my heart! Thanks for keeping us up to date with your family! Pat LEAMAN

  2. Neat to see Tanner Eshleman on the group photo🙏👍❤️

  3. Thanks for the update!! Blessings to you all as you serve Christ! Marvin Sauder

  4. Beautifully written, great reminder!! Love and prayers

  5. Thank you so much for your reminders and encouragement. <3
