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Saturday, November 4, 2023

Lessons from Bri

"Bri, you must stay outside!"
Since August a hummingbird has been visiting my Hiding Place space for her morning routine. I heard her before I saw her. It was the sound of her rapid fire wing motion as if they were in combat with the banana leaf upon which she was perched.  Water from the consistent overnight rain showers collects in the vein of said leaf and Bri, (short for Colibri) as I've affectionately named her, has taken to visiting "my space" for her morning activities.  After her brief splash bath, she darts to a neighboring branch that has the perfect spotlight of sun (literally it looks like she is on stage) to "flap dry - rest - flap dry - rest - etc."  Her breakfast of champions consists of sweet nectar from the delectable fiery red bloom of the tree next to her sun spotlight.  Had this been a onetime occurrence I would have noted her presence as a smile from Father.  However, lest ye be concerned that my Coffee with Jesus has morphed into the sport of bird-watching, let me explain what He has been showing me.  

As we contemplate and plan for a home leave at the end of this year, anxiety, uncertainty and inadequacy tempt to rear their ugly heads. Church presentations, sharing our story with friends old and new, catching up on life and grieving the loss of connection, connecting hearts with what God is doing through Vidanet while we reconnect our souls with those who know our depths and ... what will people think ...?  Father has been affectionately planting Luke 12:24 in my thoughts for a few months.  "Consider the Ravens".  My response to this all too familiar passage has been a bit like an all-knowing teenager ... "Yeah, I know trust You and stand on your Truth.  You feed, clothe, and take care of 'these' and You love me so much more." In my prideful stance, He pursued.  As if His Spirit's prompting wasn't enough, He was now trying to get my attention visually with not just one visit but daily visits from Bri!  For more than a month, I've tried to ponder and meditate on His promise "and yet God feeds them." Thick headed or menopausal brain fog, He has now spelled it out clearly in black and white.  "Anxiety, uncertainty, and inadequacy are the result of considering your future activity without ME."  But, but, but ... 

If we believe God continues to call us to work with Vidanet in Costa Rica, we don't need to do the convincing or asking.  As we trust (His call), obey (His prompting) and stand on His Truth (vs. 30 your Father knows that you need them), He will feed us, clothe us and provide purses that don't wear out!  Verse 31 spells out our part clearly ... but seek His kingdom and these things will be given to you as well.  And so, we will speak in honor of Him, share Holy Spirit moments, connect hearts to Jesus and remember this lesson from Bri.  

Is there imagery of your future that needs Father's presence? 
Would you care to join me in the spotlight of His provision? 

Lessons from Bri ... He loves me more than these ... Believing in our Provider

Life on the Mountain
In the midst of our daily routines, our days are full of interactions with our students, 13 beautiful souls that are hungry for God's life changing Word. Living in community with our beloved staff and processing life together has been the sweetest gift from Father. The routine of Vida220 feels refreshing!  With 27 physical bodies living at Casa Vidanet and 17 living outside our walls, there is ample opportunity for the following: virus' going viral, bacteria batted around, motherly medical advice to be offered, financial figuring between countries, praying over testimonies, processing post Vidanet possibilities and discipling their hearts towards Jesus ... while our hearts listen intently to the words from their lips, we are intentional about seeking first His Kingdom as we mentor these beloved ones in our care.  There has been much spiritual warfare - specifically manifesting through dreams/nightmares. As we pray corporately, anoint areas at His prompting, we believe God's presence prevails in this place! Would you join us in prayer?  

The visa battle with Honduras was short lived!
Celebrating 19 and 16 years of life for 2 of our Mighty Men.
Experiencing God bible study to mix up our routine.
Life giving connections with VN board.
God's financial provision for needs of our staff.
Sunday sabbath in the midst of busy life.
Neighbors to share life and raise our kids with.
Upcoming events filled with peace from our Provider

A Vehicle to use on our home leave from December 21 - February 2024.
Job for Jedidiah (16 years old) on our home leave. 
Joseph personal connections.
Micah wisdom in his leadership role.
Adam as he shares Jesus' love with his classmates.
Join us in placing a spiritual covering over our students.
To seek His Kingdom and not give in to feelings of anxiety, uncertainty, and inadequacy. 

We've been encouraged to share our specific financial need for our next term:

We need to raise $85,000 to meet our budget for our next 32 months.  That is $2,650 per month.  Would you prayerfully consider a financial partnership for our family?

follow this link:

An inside visit with a hummingbird is not a good idea!
SO thankful for connections for our social one ...
I can't even imagine life before AMCA!
How many pair of glasses are REALLY necessary to see the solar eclipse?
Their perseverance paid off ... we had a magnificent view!

This one who loves change, persevered for 18 months ...
The longest timeframe I have not touched his hair with a scissors!
Before ...
After ...
Teaching this dear one, the first "daughter" how to drive stick! ...
Our daily routines are worlds apart ...
So thankful for snapshots into his life! 
The start of his celebrations ...
"No, I don't need a party ...
but I want to celebrate with school, 12/21, family, friends, and AMCA"
Four days of celebrating and he's officially 16!
How well do we really know Jedidiah?
A laughter filled game of "Beat the Parents" proved he keeps most of us guessing!
The smile of a boy whose
 teammates chose him as Captain for the tournament game!
One of our El Nido cherubs, Baby Deric ...
full of smiles, enamored with my blue eyes and
lights up when I talk English to him! 
The weather app predicted rain at 11:00pm ... 
It's a Soccer game in Costa Rica,
of course we sat through the whole game in the rain!
His team, his sport, his turn in the spotlight! 

And how much more valuable you are than birds!
Luke 12:24

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