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Thursday, November 26, 2020

Treasure Hunting

He is a treasure! 
It may seem irrational and near impossible to give thanks in the midst of hardships and adversity.  However, there's this little grown up voice inside my head that reminds me ... For one who knows the intimacy of Father's love, one knows the blessings that follow from this simple act of obedience ... give thanks.

This week, I'm treasure Hunting.  I'm looking for the little sprigs of color in the barrenness, looking for the blooming bud in the parched soil, looking in the eyes and hearts of those around me to find the treasures Father is planting for me to discover!  Intentionally treasure hunting for Father's love and choosing gratitude in the midst of barrenness, softens my soul and starts to turn the corners of my mouth upward.  A grateful attitude make it easier to communicate with Father and everyone else ... However, why is it so dang hard to consistently practice thankfulness?

You see, no matter what life altering illness, loss, death or hurricane we see in front of us ... there is the most beautiful treasure of Father's presence in the midst of these.  "Give Me thanks regardless of your feelings and I give you joy regardless of your circumstances."  

Psalm 4:8 I will lie down and sleep in perfect peace, for You alone O Lord make me dwell in safety. This promise is one I've prayed over my boys, over myself, over anyone who desperately needs to sleep in peace.  What I didn't realize was the treasure that precedes this promise ... verse 7 YOU have filled my heart with greater joy ... for this simple reason I will lie down and sleep in peace!  This treasure of joy comes from a grateful heart. 

He is asking me to give thanks for the treasures I collect during the day and then to reflect on them as I lay my weary mind down to rest ... His end of the bargain, these treasures will blanket me with the coziest, sweetest sleep one could ever imagine.  Want to hunt treasures with me?    

Treasure hunting ... Giving thanks ... Blanketed with peace

Life on the Mountain
Traditional thanksgiving meal prep, lots of food shopping;  we are in our last week of educating at home for this year!!!  I can't believe we've been at this since March.  This also indicates I will now have time to grade Joseph's 10th grade work from the last 3 months!  This mental check list and this fog of grief leaves us feeling exhausted and overwhelmed however ... we are hunting for and finding His treasures!

Adam being my shopping helper and randomly praying for people!
Jedidiah working at the base 
Joseph's laughter and memes he so freely shares with me
Micah's messages
Roast in the crockpot
Cashier commenting on "the precious picture" of our 4 MM on my cloth bag
Don Jose's friendship and caring attitude while I shop the aisles at Price Smart
Laughter with Staff
Smiles and snuggles from Declan and Kairo
Girl time at the mall
Lost photos recovered
Morning walks and kisses in the kitchen
Answered prayers
Neighbors to share life with ... they see and hear our humanness and love us regardless!

Friends throughout Central Am. whose lives have been ravaged by 2 devastating hurricanes. 
Miraculous healing from covid for a dear friend and father figure
Physical, mental, emotional fortitude
Giving ourselves permission to grieve because it's normal, natural and necessary
Future direction for VidaNet
Open communication and time to share our hearts as we meet with VidaNet's board next week
Choosing to be grateful even when we don't feel like it

Sunday afternoon activities ... 
Football and a walk! 

A thankful tree

Thanksgiving prep ...
5 kilos of green beans and a blister to show for the work!  

Breakfast date with dad ... 
This ones smile is a treasure! 

Youth group game night ... they are each a treasure!
Final science project ... electrical connections ...
"Mom, of course it will work, it just has to lift the tree!"
And, of course it did! 

This boys ... he was determined to ride in this car even though he could barely get in and I only needed 2 things!
He was my BIG shopping helper this week! 

Sportin' their new Christmas glasses
Los tres amigos!

They were sent from Honduras to work with VidaNet ...
Now VidaNet is sending them back to Honduras
to help clean up their community.
They lost their house and everything in it.
We love you Antonio y Meli, may your joy from a grateful heart spread throughout your community!


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