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Sunday, February 14, 2021

Letter of the Day ... T

Trust ... Tranquility
Trust: the firm belief in the reliability, ability, truth or strength of someone or something.  We are faced with a daily barrage of opportunities to trust.  In my weakness, it’s easier to worry and have anxious thoughts, they come naturally.  Yet in His goodness, Father continues to speak this challenging word to my spirit, TRUST.  If I truly trust Him, as I say I do, there should be no worry, fear, or anxious thoughts (see definition above!).  Psalm 112:7 He (the righteous man) will have no fear of bad news.  He is steadfast, trusting in the Lord.  Is this even possible in our human state?  

Tranquility: the quality or state of being tranquil; calm.  (In other words, peace, but for the sake of theme, I chose the ‘T’ word.)  Peace is the byproduct of trust.  It is really that simple.  I make the childlike choice to trust and His peace floods over me and through me and settles deep in the pit of my being.  If trust’s reward is so great, why is it so hard to choose?  Psalm 29:11 The Lord gives strength to His people; The Lord blesses His people with peace.

Transition: the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another.  Transition (and loss) are a part of life.  We have felt the torrential pounding of these two for the better part of the year.  While we may scream and cower from its impending change, we know He has called us here for such a time as this.  He nourishes us at His banqueting table, He picks us up and pats our backside urging us forward,  and He hides us in the shadow of His wings when the tears feel too overwhelming to face one more transition.  Psalm 105:4 Look to the Lord and His strength, seek His face always. 

Thanks for reading the process, here is the official update:

We appreciate your prayers as we walk through this next transition.  This week Gloria Hoover, cofounder of VidaNet, will hand over the Directorship of VidaNet to Wendell and Melanie Nofziger.  See their bio here: VidaNet.org . This transition also includes a move to facilitate a season of healing and restoration for Gloria.  She is moving to the States for an indefinite period.  See her story here: Gloria's story  .  While we grieve these losses, Father has graciously provided, and we receive His good gift! 

Your prayers continue to hold our arms up as we journey through life in Costa Rica.  The peace Father provides is in part due to your constant prayers.  We are eternally grateful for each one of you.  He has called you for such a time as this!

Choose to trust ... Receive His peace ... Surrender the transition.

*questions?  Please ask, we love to hear from you!*


1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for sharing. Your post was very encouraging to me. I'll be praying for you all!
