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Saturday, October 19, 2019

Thinking of You

We are excited to see you!
Are you ready for this energy?
Contemplating these ten days before our flight to PA have made me reminiscent of 3 years ago when we wanted to savor every last second with many of you!  Our days schedules are comprised of things we need, want and are invited to do. Of course there is the necessity of packing.  However, this time around feels more like "Boys, throw your clothing in the suitcase, we're flying tomorrow!"  Perhaps in the eyes of my mighty men, my level of stress is paralleled to that of 3 years ago.  Although quite certainly, said suitcase stuffing has NOT involved the tedious, painstaking, decisions on what to pack, store and take along.  Inevitably, both scenarios provoked the incessant measuring of said suitcases to ensure they are no more nor less than the allotted weight.  While our previous routine changing adventure demanded that every inch of space was occupied in our cargo, this time around allows for 'breathing room' which will gratify our indulgence of purchases in the "what used to be familiar" category. 

There is a sense of giddy anticipation to see each of you.  If I allow my emotions to indulge long enough, the tears of anticipated hugs overwhelms the borders of my eyes.  In these 10 days of pre-flight plans, we've started the "see you laters" here in CR.  We've grown accustomed to this phrase being preceded by, "si Dios lo permite" (if God allows).  While these good byes do not carry the weight they did 3 years ago, what I've come to realize is this ...

We have found a home for our hearts here in CR.   Father's provision has been more than we could have asked, thought or imagined!  We are among friends, our hearts are full of love, the connections have grown deep, we share laughter, tears, joy and sorrow in our mother tongue and our language of the heart, there is support to hold our arms up when we feel weary and there are strong shoulders to cry on when the day seems to overwhelming to face.

And so, our hearts are full as we think of YOU in PA and think of YOU in CR.  While the excitement of those hugs and heart to hearts in PA are in the forefront of our minds, there is a shadow of loss cast upon our hearts as we have begun the process of "Adios, si Dios lo permite, nos vemos en Enero" with you in CR.  While I dabble with the avoidance of such emotions that come with 'see you laters,' I'm thankful for them.  They display the beautiful reality that Father has given us an abundance of soulmates throughout the nations.  In essence, you all are the "more than we can ask, think or imagine" that Father continues show us.  You are those we love to share life with, those who know us and are those who are growing to know us.

1 Thessalonians 1:2-3 "We always thank God for all of you, mentioning you in our prayers.  We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ."

Si Dios lo permite ... see you soon! 

Life on the Mountain
Savoring the hearing and sharing of staff testimonies, so good to go deeper with these friends ... More God encounters than I thought possible as we've been informing those in our weekly routines that there will be others filling our roles until January ... Taking time for pictures ... Finding rest by sharing life with sisters ... Jedidiah completing his 5th grade exams with determination and dedication ... A birthday sleepover for M & J (these friends are truly more than we could have imagined!) ... futbol 5 fun with staff, I must have forgot about those muscles! ... Laughter with our soulmates from leadership team, community time and neighbors ... Indulging in the "Subway of Burgers" as we supported our neighbors business endeavor ... Making lists, crossing them off, still a lot to do ... We are thinking of each of YOU!

Osny received a clean bill of health and is off bed rest, thank you for praying! 
Good medical care in CR and PA
Friends to celebrate with and friends who are hard to say good bye to
Feeling the emotions
Laughter and heart connections with neighbors
A night of quality time with Jedi and Adam
Freedom in Jesus, greater is HE that lives in us than he that is in the world!

Daryl's congestion/allergies/loss of sense of smell ... God, we need your healing hand!
Pre-flight plans
Traveling to PA next Saturday, October 26th
Jedidiah's heart (and all of ours) as he says good bye to friends who won't be here when we return
Miraculous healing for friends whose marriage is struggling, they need Jesus!
Please pray for our Vida220 training ... there is a lot of intense spiritual warfare going on ... We speak the name of Jesus in each of these situations! 
Financial partnerships, 100% funded for our second term starting in January 2020. emm.org/donate

Happy 15th Joseph!
So blessed by his smile, laughter and
deep, contemplative thinking to fill our home!

No, you can't have this pet! ...
It was literally this big!

"A-A-A-A Stayin Alive, Stayin Alive ..."
Practicing chest compressions to the beat!
Using pillows because no one volunteered their chest ; ) ...
Can you sing and count at the same time? 

This is not the way to practice! ...
Use a hard, firm surface ...
Push hard and fast! 

Trying out these delicious burgers with Esteban's advice!
"These are delicious,
I've decided I want them as my last meal ... before I die!"

Celebrating with a week early birthday gift ...
Future goalie of Costa Rica ...
"I can't play goalie if I don't have the proper gloves!"

Work days starting once again ...
When their minds are full from absorbing the teachings,
put them to work!

Victorious Leader ... 16 years old
Strong Tower ... 15 years old

Tender Heart ... 11 years old 

Bringer of Light ... 6 years old


  1. Enjoy the journey! Blessings in every relationship.

  2. Oh how I would love to hug you when you are on this side of the pond. Blessings and prayers for the journey

  3. Thank you for the update Jen! I can't be at your official meet and greet but hope I see you sometime during your time in PA. Darrell will probably come. Blessings and protection in your travels home!
