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Saturday, November 30, 2019


Fall colors ... make my heart happy!
We wait for the stamp with sweaty palms. Like a drill Sargent, I demand the boys stand neatly in order and stop pacing.  Any wrong move out of line gets an icy-cold stare.  Say the right things, act like you know what you’re doing, act like you understand everything and don’t look suspicious.  In the routine of their day, they look, confirm, stamp our passports, and we’re on our way with another 90 day visa … Sigh of relief, the fretting, sweaty palms moment was needless worry!

We are amid our 3 month home leave and the struggle for approval feels like one of those Goliath battles.  In my humanness, the need to feel approved, affirmed and validated is like pouring water through a sieve, my cup will never be filled!  Sharing updates, new stories, God stories feels a bit like waiting for our passport stamp to reenter Costa Rica.  “Stand neatly in order, no wrong moves, say the right thing, act like you know what you’re doing …” The battle to seek approval for what we’re doing so we receive the financial backing is no joke.  Ouch! ... Can I just find a carpeted corner to cower in?  Nope, not yet girl, pull out your sling, there's work to be done!

Can you imagine the blissful look of love as He retrieves my defeated self from hiding in my corner?  His gaze, if I truly engage in it, will cause the chains of seeking approval and validation to fall into the pit!  As conviction averts my gaze, He lovingly tips my chin upward and whispers, “You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance I am giving you!”  2 Chronicles 20:17. 

These are the stones in my sling … confession, sweet forgiveness and the command that brings the victory: “We speak as men approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, not trying to please men but God who knows our hearts!” (1 Thessalonians 2:4).  The inspiration does not come from any feeble arising of my humanness.  It really is all about Jesus!  He has entrusted us to share HIS work, believe who HE says we are, and confidently speak what HE has instructed us to say.  The battle is won as we turn our eyes to The One who has called, laying down our struggle for approval. And ... He doesn't care if I giggle and step out of line while sharing His heart!

Approved by God ... Entrusted with the gospel ... He knows my heart

Life in Lancaster Co.
Feasting on the delicacies of Thanksgiving with our families ... Blessed by God connections as we shared our hearts with Metzlers church ... seeing Frozen II for free ... Snuggling Adam through fever, ear infection and ruptured ear drum ... Heart connections at the pharmacy ... Hunting, avoiding black Friday madness, work on the farm, cold bike rides and warm tub baths ... Jedi enjoyed a barn party and sleepover ... family puzzles and library books ... And ... trusting Father to fight this battle as we look to Him!

Thankful to share life with lots of family ... Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday!
This song ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0FBb6hnwTo  ... has been wrecking my makeup All. Week. Long!
The privilege to sing of the Goodness of God!
Friends to have sleep overs with
Popcorn and sleeping on a carpeted living room floor
Family puzzle time

Healing on Adam's ears and Daryl's sinus'
Travel to Costa Rica for a wedding next weekend
Hunting safety
Paperwork in order for residency
My back surgery scheduled for Monday December 9th
To be fully funded for our second term emm.org/donate
To seek HIM First and not earthly approval ...

We left Olaf (our van) in CR and found him in PA!

Adam working hard chauffeuring Mr. High around the farm!

Can this job get any better?! ...
"This is what a job should be, one that I love doing!"

Adam dished up ice cream ...
"Joseph, yours is the smaller one!"

Diener boys and Sara ...
Adam almost hugged the wrong Pop-pop!

Jedi working hard peeling potatoes ...
Officially taller than Uncle Johnny!

Amish Roast, potatoes and fixins to feed an army of 54!

Hoover Thanksgiving ... missing Big D and little D ...
"This was the best day ever, just being with family!"

Snuggles to take the fever and pain away ... 

Adam's sleepover so he didn't have to sleep alone while the boys are away!

First day hunting success!

... still waiting for the big buck!

 " ... And all my life You have been faithful ... And all my life You have been so, so good ... With every breath that I am able ... Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God!"

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